Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Violets

The violet family has around 400–500 species distributed world-wide, with most found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The viola species (commonly called violets, pansies or heartsease) are also found in areas such as Hawaii, Australia, and the South American Andes. Sweet violet is the most highly scented and has long been cultivated for its perfume and color. In history the Greeks used Sweet Violet as their symbol of fertility and the Romans drank sweet violet wine.

Found in abundance here at Earth Magic, it is one of the first Spring arrivals in my gardens. I spend days gathering the tiny blossoms which I love to sprinkle on my salads, use in my vinegars, make candied violets, violet jelly or beautifully colored violet syrup. Oh, let's not forget to weave a little magic as well. 

To make violet syrup take approximately 2 oz of fresh violet flowers add 3 oz of boiling water. Cover and infuse for 24 hours. Strain and add 1/2 cup sugar and heat to dissolve. Do not boil or you will lose the color of the syrup. Cool and bottle.

Gallery of violet photography can be seen here:   Spring Violets Gallery of Photos