Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hummingbirds and Habitat ~ Time To Go Native!

Everyone knows that we are faced with troubled times. With the effects of global warming on our doorstep, coal dependency destroying entire mountaintops and the development of land, wildlife habitat is disappearing at an alarming rate. From 1982 to 1997, North Carolina alone lost 1,001,000 acres of land or 5.9 percent of its total forest area to land conversion due to population growth and urbanization. While that might not seem like that much to some folks, it is predicted that by the year 2040 we will have lost another five and half million more acres of our forested lands. Think about that for a minute. It is alarming, but you can help by providing a natural and native habitat, an oasis of sorts, where hummingbirds can thrive. This means providing them with food and cover, something native plants will provide, and in turn will not only bring in hummingbirds but it will attract a host of butterflies, caterpillars, and other birds. What to plant? You can’t go wrong with any or all of these native plants in your garden: Trumpet Creeper, Bee balm or Oswego Tea, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Cardinal Flower, Spotted Jewelweed, Red Columbine, Canada Lily, Indian Pink, Red Buckeye and Mountain Rosebay or Catawba Rhododendron. Along with those great natives, hummers are also attracted to Columbine, Coral Bells, Foxglove, Hostas, Lupine and Yucca. Even if you have no yard space, you can plant a lot of these in containers, grouping several different ones together for a mini hummingbird garden! In addition to plants, it is always nice to have two or three small sugar water feeders on different sides of the house, preferably hung in the shade. The shade helps keep the nectar fresher longer, (but should always be cleaned and refilled every third day) and having more than one feeder helps to prevent any one dominant male from controlling the entire territory, as they are apt to do. The Spring arrival of hummers is usually around mid April and their departure from this area by the 15th of October. There are always some I call stragglers, so I leave one feeder up until Christmas, bringing it in at night if it is going to freeze and putting it back up in the morning. If you would like to help keep wildlife wild, you can become involved by providing that habitat through gardening with native plants. When planting with wildlife and habitat in mind, thinking native and natural and staying away from exotic and invasive species, and you will helping to nurture these beautiful flying jewels for future generations to come.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Star Chickweed

Considered a weed by most and an obnoxious one at that by traditional gardeners, it is also known as starweed, starwort, tongue grass, winter weed, passerina, chick wittles, clucken wort, skirt buttons, and stitchwort. Cultivation is unnecessary, as plants self-seed themselves freely especially in dry weather. The flowers open on sunny days, but they may close on rainy or cloudy days. Chickens, hogs and rabbits dote on its succulent, foliage and seeds, but it is said that sheep and goats won’t touch it. If you raise rabbits, it would be a great, cheap and easy way to add to their diet. Historically Chickweed has been used to treat both internal and external inflammations. Poultice of stems and leaves can be used to ease arthritis and pains of the joints, cuts, and skin irritations. It may soothe severe itchiness and is often used to relieve eczema, varicose veins and nettle rash. An infusion of the fresh or dried plant may be added to a bath, where the herb’s emollient properties will help reduce inflammation, in rheumatic joints for example, and encourage tissue repair, something we could all use! As far as being a culinary herb, Chickweed can be eaten raw in salads and sandwiches but be certain to harvest only the young tender stems and leaves since the greens are at their best during this stage. Just another way to utilize those so-called "pesky weeds" you can find in your garden. And Remember ALWAYS be certain that when you are picking herbs for consumption that you KNOW they have not been doused with chemicals or pesticides.